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30 March 2009

Day Four, a lifetime.

Four_candles.preview Day Four. My lord. Is it only Day Four? It seems like a lifetime ago that I signed that pledge.

If you are faltering, just remember that this is for you. This isn't for anyone else but you. It's not for me or your Aunt Estaleen or that cute man at the Food Co-op who likes pistachios in the shell. Or even for Johnny Depp (though, I'll admit, that IS motivating).

If disappointing yourself feels okay, then do it. If disappointing yourself feels lousy, then don't. Don't! If a breakthrough might happen if you continue for one more day, then head up and walk forward into it. Just today. We'll worry about tomorrow, well, tomorrow.

How's it going? Tell us, those of you who are spending these 37 days exercising, meditating, making art, walking the dog, writing, and more! How does it feel to fulfill a commitment to yourself, to quell the doubting voices and the ones that, frankly, just want to stay in bed longer?

Here are some folks who are blogging their 37days challenge - leave a comment with your full blog address if you'd like to be added to this list: Carolynn, Jean, Caren, Evie E., Cynthia, Deirdre, and Ellouise. Visit them, get inspired by them, leave them a comment to inspire them.

Day four is the very best day. It truly is.


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My alarm clock didn't go off this morning. It's set right, I had it turned on. I can't figure it out. Nevertheless, in spite of the lateness of the morning, I got up and kept my commitment to myself, because I will not be defeated! And, that feels great! yay!

Day four and all is well! I'm blogging through my 37 and would welcome all who want to come along.

As ever, millions of thank-yous to Patti for the book, and the numbers and the posts...

I would like to add my support to anyone who needs it. I made a commitment last July to start drawing everyday. I started to falter and then got serious. I have drawn everyday since August 1st, 2008 and set the goal to continue for a year, until July 31, 2009. I have hit patches but kept going, mostly due to posting on my blog: which keeps me honest. I encourage everyone to keep moving forward and keeping their commitment. I'll join you on these 37 days as sometimes I just want to stop! Patti, I loved your book. Thanks!

Day four ... I worked all day, then went to school ... now its time for me.

That's what I'm starting to think about my writing time - its ME time, its not about what I should do or what I need to do, but about what I want to do, what I hope to accomplish.

I am loving it!

Oh, no. I'm four days late to the party. I've only just discovered your blog. Tonight. Right now. And I'm late. Does it matter that I'm late? Can I start tomorrow anyway? Do I need to wait a whole 33 more days to catch the next 37 day bus?

I just got your book today and am off to begin reading. I will be a few days behind but will be checking back for motivation.

Enduring some pain in my shins, but I keep putting one foot in front of the other. I am 4 for four! Thanks for the challenge, Patti.

I've created a photo album for my 37 days. I figure if I can make through this week I'll be set. :)

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