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07 April 2009

Day 10, Day 11...

Eleven1 So this is how it happens. How one day slides into another.

We are either vision driven or circumstance driven. Vision driven is that state in which we stay true to our vision regardless of circumstance. So, when the economy tanks or we are traveling, we don't waver. We keep on the path toward our vision or values.

Circumstance driven is when we allow the circumstance around us to take us off course. This is the "I'll try" portion of life. This is the "yes, but" portion of life.

Day 9 and Day 10 for me were, clearly, circumstance driven. Driving for hours, arriving exhausted, giving three workshops in two days, it's snowing, there are tornado warnings, it's dark, name your excuse.

Day 11? Back to the gym. Putting it in my schedule REGARDLESS of the circumstance. In spite of the circumstance. Circumstance be damned, it's happening.

How's it going for you? Living with intention is hard. It's easier to be mindless through our days until we get to the end of them and "I'll do that then" is gone. Gone.

Day 11.


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That's a very good distinction. I was circumstance driven yesterday, intending to do better today.

i'm feeling so nourished from my 10 minutes of yoga (which always turns into more) & which seem to always take place right before bed regardless of how late it is (and it's always late) that i notice getting worried as the evening moves along-afraid that i'll somehow succumb to circumstance and not give this time to myself. another way to say that is also that i've begun to really look forward to it...

If we fail to prepare then we should prepare to fail. Carpe Diem? Yes, but hopefully toward the ultimate goal of Carpe Vita!

If I don't do it first thing in the morning, it's not happening.

I'm pretty amazed at my tenacity so far. Something my boyfriend said to me the other day has helped me stay the course, too. He asked me "What's more important?". Did I mention, he's amazingly supportive? Anyway, now, when I think "I'm too tired" or any of the myriad of other reasons/excuses why I could let my intentions slide, I ask myself that question and get my lazy butt up.

Besides, I really don't want to disappoint myself. I know that if I allow myself to get lax, I'll slide down that slippery slope and it'll be Game Over.

I'm starting to see some signs of progress too. I'm starting to shape up and my routine has the beginnings of feeling like a habit.

Keep your eyes on the prize!

It's only 37 Days. :o)

Ms. Digh -- I appreciated you comments very much. As an educator, there are many circumstances beyond my control. My class is on the downslide of the school year. Many classes across the country are filled with students who believe the school year is over. I have yet to finish a school year feeling that my vision has been fulfilled and as spring breaks into full blown nice weather, my vision is impaired by active young mind that would much rather be playing.

I believe the hardest thing for many of us is having the ability to remold the vision. As a teacher of 10 year olds, I walk into each day not knowing what to expect. I had the vision of teaching the addition of unlike fractions today. Circumstance landed two of my students in the principals office. It wasn’t a good idea to teach this type of skill with two kids out of the room and the rest of the class wound up over the situation.

This is a rather simple way of my interpretation of vision and circumstance. But, it applies in so many ways. Being flexible is one of the most important virtues for the busy and overloaded. It is important to continue to smile at your circumstances just like you would a 10 year old child.

I feel truly awakened by this challenge. I know that might seem over the top, but it is so true. Keep laces up those shoes, Patti. Walk on, walk on, walk on. You are inspiring so many people!

Patti, it's going pretty good for me. What I wanted to do is try to tame that opinionated, bossy voice in my head. The one who judges people, places and things. The know-it-all.

So, I really started listening to that voice. And man! What a big mouth!

So, every time that voice says something negative or judgmental, the other voice I developed would simply ask, "Is that your ego talking?"

Miraculously, it makes the big mouth shrink away immediately.

This is an all-day thing. And I'm hoping that when these 37 days are over, it will just be something I automatically do.

So, I thank you for for starting this whole thing, Patti! (That would be the voice I developed thanking you. The big mouth is probably all Grrrrrrr, I'm melting....melting!")


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