Draw circles
“The eye is
the first circle; the horizon which it forms is the second; and throughout nature
this primary figure is repeated without end. It is the highest emblem in the
cipher of the world.”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson, Essays -"Circles”
imagine that all learning takes place in a dense, primordial forest, like the one
you drive through on the way from Forest Grove, Oregon, to Manzanita on the coast. Get off the highway and into the woods and every once in a blue moon, there is a clearing just big enough for a brilliant blue sky or glowing moon to shine through onto a miniscule circular spot on the forest floor, its translucence revealing flowers working hard to bloom between
dark green trees. That tiny shot of light is learning, a double espresso of
insight, light, then dark again.
Hermann von Helmholtz once likened
knowledge to an alpine climb—when you climb a mountain, you don't go straight
from the bottom to the top, you zigzag, you go around and through, eventually
getting to the top where you can then see both the top and bottom and the
straight line between them. Perhaps he was talking about desire
lines in a way. When you're at the top, you can show others what Helmholtz
called the "royal road." But being shown the royal road isn't learning,
it's only the explanation, just as being taught to read a map isn't the same as
reading one.
"I bought Jim Watson’s house from him in 1968. The image of the double helix has always haunted me and intrigued me.
think in terms of virtual circles and vicious circles. I’m hugely influenced by
Gregory Bateson who kept saying you have to look for the pattern. You shouldn’t
become obsessed by the elements within the pattern, but the elements that made
the pattern…You’ve got negative and positive feedback loops, and as you join
the feedback loops together you’ve got a helix, an error correcting system.
all the relationships between contrasting values are capable of forming a
virtuous circle. You are loyal, and because you are loyal you have dissent when
you believe you must. Because of your loyalty your dissent is taken seriously,
so it’s loyal dissent. The loyalty helps dissent and dissent helps loyalty.
pairs of values that I deal with always depend upon the contrasting value—in fact
values are not significant at all. I worked that out very, very early. Values
are binary digits like a traffic signal. I mean there are no red lights really
without a green light. Take away either light and the thing no longer has any
meaning. Moreover, if it’s stuck on red it’s not only useless it’s downright
lethal. It is the constant movement along the values continua that really
preserves health and development.”
Charles’ world, it is the reconciliation of dilemmas—this movement between the
two horns of the dilemma—that creates wealth, creates intrigue for him, and creates
meaning itself.
A vicious circle
is an acknowledgment and a voicing of the cycles we fall into—they are unending
and impossible to leave unless you first acknowledge the circle and then
consciously work to break it. Vicious circles are a series of reactions that
compound an initial unfortunate occurrence or situation: They feed themselves,
like a snake feeding on its tail. They reinforce themselves, reinvesting our
energy in the negative.
Here is the text
of the vicious circle of exclusion that I use in my work (read the text
of each circle to the end, then go back to the first line and read again—each forms
an unending circle):
Vicious circle of exclusion
Diversity (which) forces me
to recognize that mine is not the only way
and when divergent views
I feel fearful and believe
someone loses
which puts me
in an untenable position
so I increasingly
avoid encounters with
This vicious
circle explains the avoidance, the separateness, the segregation between people
that occurs in the world, the reduction of Self and Other.
The opposite—virtuous
circle—is an aspiration of what could be or must be. It is a voicing of what we
want for our lives, an expansiveness of Self and Other:
Virtuous circle of inclusion
Inclusion (which) allows me
to know other ways of being in the world
and when divergent views
creative collaboration and
innovation result
which enables me and the
organization to learn and grow
so I increasingly seek out
and embrace difference
by creating environments
I believe Charles’
focus on the reconciliation of dilemmas emerged from his private life, as all
of our important work does, creating a complex and externalized algebra of
figuring things out for ourselves, though ostensibly for others.
To be meaningful,
perhaps we have to go back to the personal. What are the circles of my personal
life? By making your own vicious and
virtuous circles—about creativity, money, love, parenting, weight,
procrastination—whatever topic you want to investigate, you might discover
something that will take you off the vicious circle and onto the virtuous one.
Here are some circles that have emerged for me about money and art and
that) money is dirty and selfish
Leads me to
the conclusion that to make money, I also have to be dirty and selfish
So I sabotage
every possibility of living in abundance
By saying yes
to projects and jobs that I hate and dread
And then
procrastinating because there is no joy in them for me
Which drags
down my energy and soul and being and reinforces my belief that…
(I believe
that) money provides an opportunity and freedom
For me to do
good things in the world, for myself and others
So I look for
opportunities to do work that will expand my mind, heart, soul
And say yes
to work that I feel adds value to the world
Knowing that
what I give to the universe will come back to me
In ways I
cannot yet imagine and will reinforce my belief that…
Offering myself to the world with a price tag attached
Feels transactional, not transformational
And rather than experience life that way
I rebel and don’t offer myself to the world at all
Which results in anxiety about money and a fear that what I do
Is only measurable by…
Offering myself to the world freely
Is transformational and feeds my soul
And makes me feel fully alive
So I put my work and writing and self into the universe
Believing that at some time, what I am giving will come back to
And sustain me and so I continue…
By focusing
only on what we believe will sell to audiences we already know
We lose sight
of our passion, reduce our visions, and underestimate the world at large
All of which
doesn’t make us more focused on that tiny market we know,
But paralyzes
us into an inaction in which our ideas get smothered by
The anxiety
we feel about money, which causes us to…
attention to what our hearts lead us to do
enlarges and deepens our focus, our creativity, and our impact in the world,
Increases the
offering we can make to the world,
and detaches our vision from money,
Expanding our
own Selves in the process, which
Makes even
more meaningful contributions to the world possible by…
(Thank you, Charles).
What an interesting insight, more detailed than simply writing affirmations. There's a lot here to ponder; I'll have to do that and give some thought to your challenge. Thanks for a really thought provoking challenge.
Posted by: Gwyn | 19 February 2006 at 21:14
Patti, how can you be so consistently brilliant in these blog posts?! :) Oh, how I missed reading your blog the month we were without a computer...I've just arrived here to catch up on a month's worth of your writing...what a glorious essay to start off with.
Posted by: Marilyn | 19 February 2006 at 22:40
I feel like one of the famous blind men who only saw/felt one part of the elephant - drawing circles is your way of getting us to feel the entire elephant.
And I mean that in the most proper sense!
Thank you!
Posted by: Michael Wagner | 20 February 2006 at 00:34
Well, the trains of thought seem to be coming together. Not that all roads lead to Rome but sooner or later...
Patti, this is more food for thought on my own circle analogies. You may recall my fire circle audience http://steves2cents.blogspot.com/2005/11/fire-circle-story.html
and just last week, centering on ownership http://p4tgce.blogspot.com/2006/02/circle-recognition.html
Much food for thought.
Hungry? Not now, the mind is racing from circle to circle... Thanks!
Posted by: Steve Sherlock | 20 February 2006 at 10:53
I haven't even finished reading your post yet. I know it sounds hokey and trite, but heartbroken and no longer believing in coincidence, I think I stumbled upon your writing with some divine guidance.
Be happy today. Your making big ripples in the pond.
Posted by: Amy | 21 February 2006 at 07:08
You're. That's you're. See, that's why you are the writer and I have to get in the shower and go to work. I meant you're. Correcting my error gives me another chance to say, "You're making big ripples in the pond".
So their. Just kidding. There.
So there.
Posted by: Amy | 21 February 2006 at 07:10
thank you for this wonderful post!
Posted by: natalie | 26 February 2006 at 18:17
Yeah, so I'm way off on the timeline but am taking my own sweet time to ingest your wonderfully written essays. I'll be honest - I wish I were writing like this rather than just reading someone else's, but how can I possibly not be open and admire your work with complete gratitude??
Thanks for the words, Patti! :)
Posted by: Chenoa | 19 February 2008 at 02:48