S is for show up like magic
In 2008, I'm going to show up. Like magic.
There are a handful of blogs I go to first when I see they've been updated in my bloglines reader. One is Dave Pollard's "How to Save the World." This week, he pointed his readers to a blog entry by Jan Lemen called "Show Up Like Magic," a phrase that immediately resonated with me. Her beautiful words:
"There are moments when you absolutely need someone to show up like magic, not because you need something nice, but because you need your world view transformed. You need some hope to be born in you. You need to know in one moment that someone believes in you. You need a kindness midwife to hold the space so you can show up like magic for someone else the next time around..."
What a wonderful thought: we need to show up like magic. Even if with a light touch. Even if they never know. And maybe, just maybe, we need to also show up like magic for ourselves.
Intentions: There are so many times in life when we feel too weary to show up. In 2008, let's show up like magic for someone every day. That could mean showing up in a funny hat, a phone call, a small gift, a handmade card, playing Candyland with children instead of checking email, the lighting of a candle in someone's name and holding them in your thoughts, a sweet letter, a thoughtful note, a reaching out, taking them handmade soap or one of the most fabulous candles in the world. Show up like magic in your own life. What would that look like for you?
From the last alphabet challenge: S is for Short :: Significant
Show up like magic is a good way to describe and name it...I was calling it angel work, but, this is more accurate.
Posted by: grace, T | 24 December 2007 at 13:15
Jen's wonderful. Thanks for this...I'm feeling quite removed from the magic at the moment...so needed the reminder...
Happy Holidays, Patti...to you and Mr. Brilliant and Emma and Tess... xoxo
Posted by: Marilyn | 24 December 2007 at 14:16
Thank you, Patti. One of the astonishing things I've learned this year is that often, to show up like magic, all you have to do is open yourself, pay attention, and be there, in the moment, and the opportunities to be magic will present themselves. Merry Christmas everyone.
Posted by: Dave Pollard | 25 December 2007 at 13:36
I absolutely love love love this post and Marilyn's reply. I can't think of anything to add except...
I'm choosing to be magic everyday.
Posted by: Richard Atkinson | 26 December 2007 at 22:02
grace, T - another nice way to think of it..."angel work"...thanks for that concept...
Marilyn - I think there are times when we are all quite removed from the magic, and yet not--perhaps it's always right nearby. I, too, needed the reminder...
Dave - perfect. of course, that's it. yes.
Richard - i really love your choosing to be magic everyday. that's a great way of looking at this! many thanks!
Posted by: patti digh | 27 December 2007 at 11:48