Someone knocked on the door yesterday morning, around 10am. My hair was standing on top of my head like Don King. I was in my sweatpants and barefoot. I might have looked slightly crazed and a wee bit sleep deprived.
I went to the door anyway, opened it, and there stood Kate holding a beautiful glittery hula hoop.
Our kids go to the same school, but I don't know Kate well. Turns out, she's been reading this blog and made the hula hoop for me to support my exercise plan. Just like that, out of the blue. Exercise should be fun, she simply said.
It occurred to me in that moment that there is great value in telling people about your dreams and aspirations to be bendy, to write more, to create art, to do whatever your heart desires. So they can help you and support you. And make you a hula hoop. Even those you don't know well, and perhaps particularly them because they're not invested in keeping you the same.
Create structures of belonging. Find a tribe. Tell them what you yearn for.
Thanks, Kate Brewer Fisher. I'm going to love hooping it up.
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Yoga- Rodney Yee a.m. yoga.
Gym - I didn't get there. My schedule got in the way. Life got in the way. Navigating work and children got in the way. Is this the slippery slope? Perhaps.
Food - I'm allowing myself to not be full, to be slightly hungry, to feel and eat when I want, not when it is prescribed. I don't feel deprived or cranky; I'm not craving anything. It helps to be intentional and have fruit and vegetables in the house. Create those conditions for success.
Breakfast: One honeycrisp apple and one banana, chopped and mixed together. 1 mug of black coffee.
Snack: 1 slice of wheat walnut bread, toasted, with peanut butter. Water. Hot peppermint tea.
Lunch: 1 slice of wheat walnut bread, toasted, with peanut butter. Kalamata olives, a slice of cheddar cheese, and 2 clementines. Water.
Snack: Flour tortilla with hummus.
Dinner: Baked potato and salad. Water. Hot Tea.
Yoga - morning and evening yoga practice, at home.
Gym - Alas. See my 1-6-11 report. Stuff happened, school got out an hour early, the hour I had planned to go to the gym, the morning having been full of getting Emma ready to go back to college and a 2-hour delay for Tess. Then there was snow. Blah, blah, blah. Definitely packing my workout gear for my upcoming trip.
Food -
Breakfast: 2 bananas, 1 cup of black tea.
Lunch: Salad with papaya/poppyseed dressing, avocado, sliced tomato. Water.
Dinner: Vegan potato salad, vegan sesame noodles, blueberries with pomegranate, edamame, and 2 Medjool dates. Water.
Snack: 2 bites of Tess' chocolate eclair from Green Life. Oh, my. 2 more Medjool dates. Cheddar rice crackers. Hot peppermint tea.
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