(the peaceful paper mobile that hangs above me at the acupuncturist's office)
I'm feeling great.
Really great.
Happier, brighter, more focused, stronger, more bendy. In control, making decisions--some good, some not quite as good, but owning them completely. Investing in myself. Myself.
On Thursday, I went to my first Pilates class in a long time. It was glorious. I was five inches taller when I left. I will go back next Thursday. I went to an acupuncture treatment later that afternoon, something I had not done for two years. My acupuncturist is a healer. We talked for an hour about important things, and then she treated me, leaving me to rest. Both pilates and acupuncture were blissful. It felt good to pay attention to myself again. It was a strong day.
On Friday, I meditated and spent time sitting quietly in the midst of a day full of appointments. I had a date with my husband, John, a rare dinner out and a movie in a real movie theater!
Today, I ate out with a friend, and I noticed--as I had noticed the night before--that I ate until I was full, not until my plate was clean. My meals are definitely smaller, fulfilling, mindful. I am not making choices from a place of deprivation, but from a place of clear choosing. I am every day making decisions that support me or not, and am taking responsibility for my own well-being every day.
I am making sure I have the food I need in the house to make eating healthily easier.
I feel great.
- - - - - -
2-3-11 through 2-5-11
Yoga: I just signed up for 20 yoga lessons, a statement of commitment, of getting them on my calendar, of putting them first.
Gym: Fantastic gym workouts, not every day I planned to, but most.
Pilates: This is a great core workout. I will incorporate this into my life.
Food: My acupuncturist, Hannah, suggested that my diet (primarily raw until dinner) wasn't helping my digestive tract, and that I might want to eat more cooked foods. My main response to that was to add oatmeal to my breakfast, and more soups, couscous, quinoa, and other cooked grains. I am feeling great about my food choices. Eating out twice in these few days has helped me see the impact of my mindful eating: I ate what I wanted, and only until I was full, rather than finishing what was in front of me.
My snacks-on-the-go are now apples and bananas. I'm drinking Green Vibrance (concentrated Green Superfood) in mango juice every morning. Soup is a mainstay. Dinners are simple, and smaller.
My plan for tomorrow: I will take a two-hour yoga workshop in lieu of the Super Bowl.
I love Pacific Foods Roasted Red Pepper & Tomato soup with a dollop of Tofutti's Better Than Sour Cream.
Posted by: janet Smith | 02/06/2011 at 09:28 AM
Happy WOW and 37th day! I am in for the next 37. I LUV Pacific Red Pepper soup also. I add steamed broccoli and maybe just a taste of bleu cheese crumbles or feta cheese. Off to MOVE on Mother Earth. From a Desert Dweller......
Posted by: Sue | 02/06/2011 at 12:45 PM
Just bounced over here from 37days, and wow...so happy to follow along.
Posted by: katrina | 02/06/2011 at 06:39 PM