(painting by David Robinson, entitled "Angel")
Hugh McLeod wrote a book about creativity in which he suggested that we ignore everybody in order to be our fullest creative selves.
I think that's great advice in many ways.
It is also great advice for me in this mindful eating and moving quest. I'm listening to myself, and not to experts or government studies that tell me exactly what we have all known for 30 years. I'm listening to myself, and not to celebrities or infomercials or statistics.
What happens when you listen to yourself, to what your body tells you when you eat sugar, to what your body tells you about caffeine or twizzlers or fast food?
My acupuncturist asks me questions about my body's reactions to certain foods and I can never answer because I don't pay attention. What happens when we do pay attention, when we know how our body is feeling, and patterns in those feelings?
I think I will learn a lot from my body this year just by listening to it.
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Yoga: a.m./p.m. yoga at home
Gym: Tess and John are both sick, so I didn't get to the gym today. Opted for Plan B, which was yoga at home.
Breakfast - 7-grain Kashi nuggets with strawberries, mango juice with Green Vibrance
Snack - almonds
Lunch - I can't remember! Tess was sick today - I think I must have just grazed while taking care of her.
Snack - apple with peanut butter
Dinner - pasta with marinara sauce, 1 piece of garlic bread
Snack - hot peppermint tea
My plan for tomorrow: I'm going away on a retreat tomorrow, taking my tennis shoes with me. I'm planning on a 20 minute walk tomorrow when I get there. If for some reason that doesn't work out, I'm also taking my yoga DVD and pilates DVD and will do one of those. I also looked up yoga classes in the town where I'll be, and will see if one will fit the retreat schedule.