Arrange whatever pieces come your way. -Virginia Woolf
We are always in choice. Always.
Regardless of the circumstance, we choose how we are in that circumstance. Which leads to new circumstances that are either reductive or expansive.
Even when we feel trapped, when we feel others hold our fate, when we feel compelled to begin our statements about our business or personal success or failure with words like, "In this economy..." Even in those moments, we are in choice.
Even the way we frame our "new year's resolutions" and business plans is a choice. Are they framed in negative intentions (I'll stop doing x) or in positive intentions (I will do x)?
Recognizing that we're always in choice means giving up the abdication of responsibility to others, to the economy, to mean managers or disease or bad genes. It means owning that even in those circumstances, we are fully in choice. I may not choose the circumstance, but I choose how I am in it. Always.
Thursday, January 7th
12-1pm Eastern / 9-10am Pacific
CHOICE POINTS: recognizing yourself into a more abundant, meaningful life
There are six choice points we need to recognize in order to live different patterns.
is made up of patterns that arise from our choices, most of them unconscious. A new year calls for
a new look at the patterns of our days. We need to be able to recognize our way out of those patterns instead of merely repeating them--are we living out of resistance and fear and lack and running
away from? Or are we living out of abundance and creative energy and
walking toward?
Each of these patterns has an impact on our lives, our families, our businesses.
In our first free teleseminar of 2010, we will outline and share
our new Circle Project CHOICE POINT model to help clarify the ways in which we
sabotage ourselves -- and the ways we can respond more intentionally to
those six important CHOICE POINTS that arise for us every single day.
By registering, you'll receive:
- Access to the live class
- An Mp3 of the class if you're not available for the live call
- Access to recordings of our two previous free classes ("Playing with Blocks" & "Splitting Intentions")
- A copy of the CHOICE POINT MODEL we'll be using in the class
We hope you'll join us!